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Formonster Fishing

Richard from Formonster Fishing is a world class Gamefisher, having gone Gamefishing in Fiji and Andaman Island

Formonster Fishing

I’m Richard from Sydney. I am married with two beautiful kids. I was born hearing then at one and a half years old, I became very sick with meningitis and went deaf. As you can imagine this caused a huge impact on me and my whole life, It has been very frustrating having a hearing issue and often gets difficult to listen and communicate with people. I wear a cochlear implant which is a bionic device that enables me to hear.

I am an Electronic Technician by trade for more than twenty years so I have very good knowledge and good hands skills. The past few years I have started my own business doing security/alarm tech servicing my local area. Lately I have been making videos of fishing which is my hobby so I would love to pursue this further and hopefully to grow this for you and all fishing enthusiasts like me and help share encourage and support others in the fishing community.

Fishing is my hobby and passion and I just love being out on the water in the ocean seeing all the amazing creatures. It also makes me feel relaxed, locked out of the busy world. I have been lucky enough to go Gamefishing in Fiji and Andaman Island Gamefishing, both were incredible experiences. Hopefully I will experience more fishing adventures in the near future. The Jigging game is one of my favorite fishing sports. The funny part is I never get sea sick.

I hope you enjoy all my work and keep spreading the word.

Check out Formonster Fishing on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/formonsterfishing